Fundamental Resonance is a broadcast series exploring a new approach to the audition of acoustic,  mechanical,  and electromagnetic vibrations.   Each episode combines an audio essay with a soundscape,  composed of examples of the phenomena discussed,  as a way to explore the unreachable,  reveal the hidden,  and manifest what lies beyond the senses.

Fundamental Resonance is an audio supplement to the art exhibition
Energy Fields: Vibrations of the Pacific
Co-presented by Fulcrum Arts and Chapman University
September 15, 2024 - January 19, 2024
as  part of PST ART


Radio Ears

This program delves into the sounds of Earth's magnetosphere and ionosphere. With the Earth’s magnetic field acting as a natural waveguide, both man-made signals and natural phenomena can be heard in across the radio spectrum. Using radio as translator, invisible phenomena manifest as auditory experiences, allowing a glimpse at the unseen electromagnetic tapestry that surrounds each of us in our daily lives.

Featured sounds: lightning (spherics and whistlers), cosmic background radiation, the Earth’s magnetic field, space weather, radar, auroras, meteors, sun storms, and the magnetic field that protects the Earth from solar radiation, the Van Allen Belt.

Sourced sounds:
Worldwide Archive of Low-frequency Data and Observations    
University of Iowa Department of Physics, EMFISIS project  
British Antarctic Survey Very Low Frequency Receiver at Halley Research Station