Fundamental Resonance is a broadcast series exploring a new approach to the audition of acoustic,  mechanical,  and electromagnetic vibrations.   Each episode combines an audio essay with a soundscape,  composed of examples of the phenomena discussed,  as a way to explore the unreachable,  reveal the hidden,  and manifest what lies beyond the senses.

Fundamental Resonance is an audio supplement to the art exhibition
Energy Fields: Vibrations of the Pacific
Co-presented by Fulcrum Arts and Chapman University
September 15, 2024 - January 19, 2024
as  part of PST ART


Studying the Sun from the Inside Out

This program explores how scientists use sound to gain new insights about the Sun.  By converting data from the Sun's electromagnetic fields into sound through a process called sonification, scientists are able to "listen" to the Sun's energy, offering a unique way to study the complex processes happening deep within its core.

Sourced sounds:  sonifications of data sets of solar activity captured by the Michelson Doppler Imager (MDI) and the Helioseismic and Magnetic Imager (HMI).  This data was downloaded from The Sonification of Solar Harmonics Project at the Stanford Solar Center